Monday, May 20, 2019

Why use property styling

Property styling is a must when selling your property whether you hire a professional or doing it yourself it is worth spending some money on presenting your house in the best way. Property styling is all about setting your house up for sale so that any potential buyer coming through the house will see the benefits of your house. First impression counts, just think back to your first date did you go with unwashed hair and un-matching shoes? Didn’t think so. So get started. The goal is to get the best possible price and to get the deal settled as quickly as possible.

Why use property styling 

A beautifully styled home can increase the speed of a sales campaign, It certainly will make the property look more desirable. In my experience the better a home is presented for sale the greater the final sales price will be.

Homes that are styled purely for the purpose of selling stand out more, they look far more impressive in comparison to other properties that haven't been styled. Compare the styled and unstyled homes on the websites and in the newspaper's. The styled home without a doubt looks far  more impressive and has a greater WOW factor! Therefore creates greater buyer interest. Its a numbers game! The more the merrier.

A  well styled home will standout much more than an unstyled cluttered home. In this competitive market place we want our homes to appeal to a wide range of buyers. Buyers are searching for a property they can see themselves living in, I want them to walk in and feel right at home. Arh.... a wine sitting by the fire!
We want to create the Wow factor, i want my buyers to be excited the moment they enter your home. Take away the negative factors, you don't want buyers drawn to any defects, instantly thinking "Price reduction".

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